Monday, July 15, 2013

8 months

Madden is growing up so fast!  Now that he is crawling, Heisman has to really keep an eye on his stuff! Heisman has started closing his bedroom door because he doesn't want Madden messing with his stuff... and so it begins! Those silly ear infections that Madden got in May and June sort of messed up his sleeping routine.  He was waking up when his ears hurt and I was basically rocking him back to sleep.  Now he is accustomed to that so I am trying to do a little bit of tough love at night.  We need to get back to normal before school starts... yuck, let's not talk about work!!  Have I mentioned before that Heisman isn't the best sleeper these days either?!  He is having a hard time putting himself back to sleep if he wakes up in the middle of the night.  Most nights he ends up in our room.  We use to let him sleep in bed with us but that wasn't working out that well so now he just has a "bed on the floor" which is just a bunch of pillows and blankets.  I was starting to worry about it but then my neighbor said her son did that same thing when he was young and now he's 17 and he sleeps as far away from them as possible.  She assured me that he'll grow out of it and also reminded me that he doesn't stay little for long so I'm ok with him sleeping on our floor (for now).

The cutest thing these days is how much the boys interact with each other!  Madden LOVES Heisman and most of the time Heisman loves Madden.  Madden just watches every move Heisman makes and if he wakes up first, he is looking around for Heisman and "calling" for him.  He obviously just shouts out baby talk but I really think he is looking for Heisman.  He copies him and Heisman does a great job at entertaining and making Madden laugh... love these boys!!!!

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