Monday, August 19, 2013

9 months

Madden is into everything! He is so busy and wants to keep up with whatever Heisman is doing! He is now pulling himself up and standing while holding on and will walk if you hold his hands. He is a pretty quick crawler when he's after something (usually a toy of Heisman's or if the door is open)! He has six teeth, four on top and two on bottom. He is still a pretty good sleeper... thank you!! We have been giving him a lot more "real" food and he is doing great with it. Although we think he might have a dairy or milk protein allergy. Cheese, ice cream and yougurt have all given him some red blothes/hives on his face that we call face freak outs. They usually only 15-20 minutes but we have to hold off on dairy products until after a year. We will look into it a little more at that time. He was 21 lbs 10 oz and 29 1/8 in at his 9 month check up. So much fun these days!!! Love him :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Tony was out of town for a few days so I took the boys home to Algona.  Heisman played a lot of Wii with Abby, Skyler and Cruz then Taylor took us to her boyfriend's house to swim and fish.  We caught our first fish and had lots of fun jumping in the lake.  We also went to the Burt Day parade where we got a lot of candy and hung out with more family!  I left the boys at my mom's house Friday night so I could go to my informal 15 year high school reunion.... wow, I am old!!  It was fun to catch up with some good friends :)

Heisman turns 4!

I can't believe Heisman is 4 years old!!  Crazy how fast the time goes! We had a birthday party for him with my sister and her family.  We went to a hotel and did a little swimming and then had pizza and cake.  We spent the night and the next morning he opened up presents and we went to the zoo.  I think he had a blast :)

More bday fun....