Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Callaway Kristine

It's a girl!!! Wow, was I surprised! We had a scheduled c section set for February 22 so it was nice to have everything lined up for the boys and ready to go at home and work. I wasn't scheduled until 1 pm and I was told not to eat or drink anything that morning. That is a long time to wait! So I had just ONE apple slice. The hospital called and said they were running ahead of schedule and asked if I could come in early. Of course! That was awesome! Once we checked in, everything was going smooth and quick.... until the anesthesiologist came in. I was about 10 minutes away from surgery and he asked if I had anything to eat or drink. I was honest and told him about my ONE apple slice. Big mistake! Turns out, it could take up to six hours for my body to digest that silly little slice so he told me and my doctor that we had to wait until 1:30-2:00 pm (even later than my original time). Ugh!!! Anyway, we finally got into surgery and I was so shocked when the doctor said, "It's a girl!" I had a few tears and realized our family is now complete. Callaway Kristine was born at 2:05 pm. Weighing 7 lbs 12 oz and 19 inches long. The boys are so excited to have a baby sister. We can't wait to add lots of pink to our lives!