Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The big Band Day Parade was the first weekend in October and Heisman had a blast!  He was a little slow at picking up the candy the first few minutes of  the parade but once he figured it out, watch out!  He danced and clapped for the bands and definitely worked his cuteness to get extra candy :)

His most common phrase lately is "What are you doing?"  He says it all the time!  If I leave the room he yells out, "Mom what are you doing?" When we're driving in the car, making supper, doing laundry, etc.... It's also kind of funny to hear other phrases that I know he's picked up from me and Tony and we didn't even realize we said them that often until he started saying them too.

Last week we went to the open house at the fire station and he got to sit in the firetrucks, which he thought was really cool.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkin patch

Heisman and I visited the Center Grove Orchard a few weeks ago and had a lot of fun!!!

Loves the corn pool!

Looking for the horses and showing off his awesome Iowa jacket

Hi goat :)

Soft lamb :)

Jumping pillow

Getting some air

He insisted on going down this slide by himself and it was really fast!  He got a little turned around but still went down a few more times on his own.

Tractor hayride

He had a great time but I think he was tired of me taking his picture all morning.... Seriously Mom!