Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lesson learned

Please don't judge me and think I'm a horrible mother after reading this blog! 

Heisman and I just finished supper and I started the bath water.  He thinks it's funny when I chase him around the house before his bath.  So I was chasing him around and we ran into the living room.  He turned and ran back towards the bathroom and I grabbed a few dishes from supper and threw them in the sink.  (Seriously about 10 seconds).  I walked back towards the bathroom and found him IN THE TUB!  He was completely dressed and just playing in the water.  I had no idea he could get into the tub on his own.  Now I know and lesson learned!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Man Cave

Most of you know how quickly your house fills up with toys from having a baby.... Tony has always said that he wants the basement to be "toy free."  Yeah right!!!! 

Tony's man cave....

Heisman's man cave....

In Heisman's defense, Tony was the one who made this awesome blanket fort in the basement.  Plus, it looks like he enjoys it too :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Heisman has been into Sesame Street lately.  He loves it!  Whenever it comes on, he gets all silly.  This is a short video of him dancing around. I was also recording it with the regular video camera so you see a little of that in here (sorry).