Friday, April 26, 2013


Just a few more Easter pics... Our neighborhood park did a little egg hunt the week after Easter.  It was originally planned for the weekend before but it was snowing so they postponed!  Heisman was still able to be a part of the little kid hunt.  There weren't very many kids so he got a ton of eggs.  He even asked me if he could be done because his bucket was full!  We stayed for a little while and enjoyed the swings :)

Madden has been trying some veggies and he was not a fan of carrots the first time!  I think he really just wanted them warmed up because the second time he was fine.

Flash the super hero made an appearance the other day!  Heisman was playing outside with the neighbor kids (for 4 hours!!!) last weekend.  It's awesome to have such great kids around and to be able to send Heisman in the back yard to play without one of us.  The girls wanted to play some girls only game so Heisman came inside and said, "Mom, the girls want to have girls club and they said no boys could play.  I'm going to put on one of my super hero costumes so they won't know who I am!"  He wore that thing for a good hour!

Lastly, Heisman was always sleeping in the most awkward positions.  Madden sleeps on his tummy 90% of the time.  He also sucks his thumb!  I often find him face down (which I don't like and need to ask his doctor about that).  Most of the time I will roll him to his side a little or try to turn his head.  Anyway, this is what he's like....

Friday, April 5, 2013

5 months

We started some cereal with Madden and he is doing a great job with it.  So far we only give it to him at supper time but we will soon add another feeding during the day.  He is sitting up by himself really well.  He is a little slouched over but he can keep his balance for a few minutes.  He can still only roll one way and that's back to belly and some times gets fussy when he's stuck on his belly.  Every once in awhile we find him sleeping on his belly :)  He still sucks his thumb but mostly when he's tired.  Love that thumb!!!  He does like to chew and put things in his mouth which Heisman never did.  Probably because Heisman was always sucking on his pacifier!

We celebrated Easter with my sister and her family.  They came over for Easter supper and then we had a glow in the dark egg hunt with the boys.  Kelly found the idea on Pinterest and the boys loved it!  Heisman found the eggs and gifts from the Easter Bunny and we were able to go outside and try his new kite. 

Madden usually wakes up this happy every day!

Heisman changing his first diaper!

Bundled up for outside... ha!

I'm going to blame my messy hair on the wind