Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Seven months

We have a crawler! Callaway is on the go and loves getting into the boys' things. She also has her top two teeth and is hopefully done drooling for awhile. She was sleeping through the night most nights for a few weeks but for some reason she is back to waking once. I'm pretty tired most mornings but I'm not ready to make her cry it out yet. She's my baby! She is also waving good bye and is doing great at daycare. She makes a silly scrunched up face a lot and we think it's funny and adorable!

Flag football

We gave Heisman the choice between soccer and flag football. He picked flag football and loved it! The games started out pretty slow. There was a lot of time in between plays but each week got a little better and they turned out to be pretty good and I was a little bummed for the season to end. Heisman likes running with the ball better than being the quarterback. One game he scored two touchdowns and one touchdown in a few of the other games. A friend from the other team said, "Heisman you are really fast." We think so too!

Back to school

First grade for Heisman, older preschool for Madden and first day of daycare for Callaway. Madden is super excited to be a big kid at daycare and have his baby sister there. Callaway has been "adjusting" to being at daycare. She is use to sleeping in a dark and quiet room so that is going to be the biggest adjustment. Heisman is excited to be back at school to see his friends and I'm ready for a routine.

End of summer

Summer was busy! We had baseball, vacation bible school (Madden was old enough this year), a few trips to Algona, Tony's grandma's 95th birthday party, Heather's wedding, pool days, neighborhood friends, camp out in the basement,parks, new bikes (both boys without training wheels), summerfest, the lake, family reunion, whew! I loved every minute of it! Well, there were times when the boys were fighting, Callway was fussy and I was super tired, but it was the best summer yet! 

Water fun

This was a hit! We left this out for a few days and they boys had a blast sliding in, jumping in and splashing.