Wednesday, July 6, 2016

4 months

Callaway is getting more fun every day! She rolled over for the first time on Tony's birthday and now all she wants to do is hang out on her tummy. She has even decided that she wants to sleep on her tummy too. She doesn't take the pacifier much anymore and has found her thumb. She only seems to find her thumb when she's in her bed though. She still has days when she fights her naps but I'm starting to get things figured out with her. She wakes up once a night now. We had her 4 months well check and she's just a little peanut. The boys were both pretty big (80-90 percentile in height and weight) but she's only 14 lbs 7 oz (52%) and 24 in (25%). She was very brave during her shots and only cried for a few seconds. We also started some baby cereal and so far it's just a mess, but fun! Her new favorite thing is to chew on everything! From feet to toys, that girls puts everything in her mouth!

Bring on summer!

Finally school is out and it's summer! We have been pretty busy so far at home. Some days are not that exciting but the boys don't seem to mind. We kind of base our day on Callaway's naps and feedings. We started off summer with a trip to Algona. The kids had a lot of fun and were awesome! We came back for a week of vacation bible school and the rest of the time has been filled with the pool, outside play, a few science experiments and just hanging out!
The boys love listening to music and swinging!

Three months

Three months marks the end of my maternity leave. I was lucky enough to get an extra week in there with spring break but unlucky in my request to be done with school for the summer. So I have to go back for 11 days. We have my mom, Allison, Tony's mom and Allison again lined up to watch Callaway so we don't have to start daycare until August.... We also decided it was time for the boys to share a room! Eek! Madden moved into Heisman's room and now they have bunk beds. The first few nights were a little crazy. They were silly and excited to be sharing a room and after 15 minutes Heisman was tired and ready for bed. Madden continued to party on his own for another 30 minutes at least. This also means that Callaway is in her own room and crib. I miss not sleeping right next to my baby! She is waking up a few times which is a bummer because she was sleeping awesome in her rock and play thing. I'm hoping she gets use to the open feel of the crib soon!