We went and saw Santa last night and Heisman told him that he's been a good boy :) Plus, we tried taking a family xmas picture but this was the best we could get.
This was a short work week for me since school was canceled Wednesday and Thursday. It was nice to have a few days off but I would much rather be in school now when it's cold versus May when the weather is nice. Heisman and I had a lot of fun playing all day and we learned to always wear a diaper... even if you've just changed it :)
We had a busy weekend with three family Xmases over the weekend. Heisman was interested in the wrapping paper and we're excited about some new toys! We also tried cereal for the first time. I'm not sure how much he really eats because there is a mess all over his face and bib!
So many of my friends have blogs and I love reading them so I decided to make one for our family! Plus, it's a great way to keep everyone updated on Heisman :) Here are some 3 month pictures...